User guides now available

The Official Injury Claim ‘Guide to Making a Claim’ is now available for download. This Guide is designed to support claimants when making a personal injury claim using Official Injury Claim. It is aimed at unrepresented claimants, though it may also be a useful reference for claims professionals and advice providers.
The Guide explains the key legal terms and procedures used in the legal framework that underpins this service - the RTA Small Claims Pre-Action Protocol. It is intended to provide a bridge between the Pre-Action Protocol and the Official Injury Claim service. Claimants should not need to routinely refer to the Protocol in order to progress their claim. Instead, they will be guided via content within the online service itself, with support from this Guide, and the portal support centre if required. In addition, the Guide is not intended to be read in its entirety – rather, claimants should refer to appropriate sections as required.
The Guide will be available from the Official Injury Claim website or via the portal support centre.
Please note: the Guide will continue to be refined and new versions will be published as and when required. Users will be notified when a new version is available.
Guides to Part 26 and Practice Direction 27B
Also available are two further guides designed to support claimants. These are: the Guide to changes to the Small Claims Limit for Injury Claims (Referring to Part 26 of the Civil Procedure Rules); and the Guide to Practice Direction 27B.
Claimants should familiarise themselves with the Guide to Part 26 first, as it explains the changes to the small claims track limit and what the exceptions are.
The Guide to Practice Direction 27B explains the process of moving from the online service to court and sets out what the claimant must do in each instance, as well as detailing the documents needed to support the claim.
After launch both guides will be available from the Official Injury Claim website, or via the portal support centre.