Further pre-launch consumer testing confirmed

Official Injury Claim 85% ready and will be complete once Rules and Protocol confirmed
Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) has announced plans to undertake a third phase of consumer testing of the Official Injury Claim service, ahead of its launch in April 2021. This next phase will take place in the New Year as soon as the build is complete and updated to reflect any changes after the final Pre-Action Protocol and Rules are confirmed.
The testing will focus on those who might struggle to use the service covering both the online and offline process. MIB are currently commissioning independent research consultants with recognised expertise in this area and will publish the results.
Since beginning the build in 2019, MIB has carried out two phases of in-depth qualitative user experience (UX) testing. The feedback helped define the look and feel of the service, and shape the user experience at each stage of the claims journey. MIB also engaged an independent accessibility consultant to review the end-to-end service to identify enhancements and ensure the service complies with the internationally recognised recommendations for improving website accessibility - the WCAG (Website Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1.
Anna Fleming, Chief Operating officer at MIB commented:
“Over the summer, MIB has worked with the Ministry of Justice to ensure the build delivers against policy. The service is now 85% ready. Once the Rules and Protocol are confirmed we can complete the build and it makes sense to test it again with consumers.
“Our goal has always been to deliver a service that is simple, secure and supportive, and as with any Government service, it is critical that it is as accessible and inclusive as possible. This next phase of testing, focusing on those who might struggle to make a claim independently, will help ensure we achieve this.”
Businesses are currently able to register to use the service at www.officialinjuryclaim.org.uk until April, when the claimant portal will go live alongside Whiplash Reforms coming into force.
Further information
About Official Injury Claim
Official Injury Claim is a new service being launched in April 2021 to make the personal injury claim process secure, simple and unbiased so anyone can choose to make a claim without seeking legal help. If you are injured in a road traffic accident, the easy-to-use service guides you through the process of making a claim online, managing a claim and receiving compensation.
Official Injury Claim is being delivered by Motor Insurer’s Bureau (MIB) on behalf of the Ministry of Justice as part of the Whiplash Reforms. The service is impartial, and no money is made from claims. The service can be used if you are injured in a road traffic accident on or after April 2021.
Who will be able to claim?
You can use Official Injury Claim for minor injuries suffered in road traffic accidents such as whiplash, muscle damage, cuts, bruises and minor fractures. Your injury claim value can be up to £5,000 and up to a total of £10,000 for all losses related to the accident. There aren’t any charges for using the service.
You can make a claim if:
- you are aged 18 or over
- the accident happened in England or Wales
- the accident happened on or after the launch date planned in April 2021
- you were inside a vehicle
- you believe the accident was not your fault
The service does not cover pedestrians, cyclists or motor-cyclists – the process for them remains unchanged.
About Motor Insurers’ Bureau
A not-for-profit organisation, MIB aims to significantly reduce the levels and impact of uninsured and untraced driving in the UK; compensate innocent victims of uninsured and untraced drivers fairly and promptly; and deliver first-class and secure, data asset management and analytical services on behalf of our Members and the insurance industry.
For more information, visit: https://www.mib.org.uk