First quarter data publication

Data covering the first quarter of operation of the Official Injury Claim service is now available to download here. Available information applies to claims made during the period of 31 May - 31 August 2021 only.
During this period, Official Injury Claim processed 45,718 claims including 4,331 from unrepresented claimants. 24,812 liability decisions were made, and 436 claims reached settlement stage. Figures in this publication also include information about:
- Types of representation
- Types of claims
- Exceptional injuries and circumstances
- Claims exiting the portal
- Enquiries to the Portal Support Centre
- System operation
The service is still evolving, and analysis of this published data offers an insight into the early performance of the service. However, the information provided will continue to change and mature as the service becomes more established.
As a result of this being the first publication, some information is not yet available as there is not enough meaningful data this early in the life of the service. Such information may be included in future publications as more cases come through and the body of data grows.
This first tranche of data has been published on the Official Injury Claim website, and it is intended that data will be issued on a quarterly basis. The Ministry of Justice are also exploring whether to publish future releases on GOV.UK and will inform stakeholders of any changes to the schedule and/or location of this data via stakeholder alerts.
What is this data for?
The MoJ and MIB are committed to transparency and to publishing regular performance data and statistics related to how the service is operating, which can then be used by both industry professionals and third sector advice providers to assess the impact on their services.
What data is being made available?
Information relating to claims registered on the Official Injury Claim service and its overall performance is being published. This includes data on:
- Overall claims volumes
- Types of representation
- Types of claims
- Exceptional injuries and circumstances
- Service exits
- Enquiries to the customer contact centre
- System operation
Data considered to be sensitive and/or personal will not be published as per data protection legislation.
How regularly will data be published in the future?
Data will be published quarterly, and we will signpost this to stakeholders.
What is the situation with data sharing and protection – who else has access to sensitive data?
Official Injury Claim does not share any personal data with the Ministry of Justice. Official Injury Claim shares operational data with the Ministry of Justice to provide a clear understanding of how the service is operating and of any emerging behavioural trends.
We understand the importance of ensuring all data, including any personal information, is appropriately processed and protected.
As stipulated on the 'About your data' page, the collection, use and security of personal information is taken very seriously with a commitment to the highest standards of trust and transparency. Importantly:
- Official Injury Claim works on behalf of the Ministry of Justice
- Personal data will never be sold
- Details are kept safe with security features built into every step of the process in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
- Claim details will only be seen by those who have a genuine need and for whom the claimant has given permission.