Court Valuation Form Update

We have recently sent out industry communications to professional users regarding changes to the Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) and Practice Direction 27B (PD27B). For those who are not already on our distribution list, please see below an update about the Court Valuation Form process.
Nature of issue requiring change:
Pre-Action Protocol – Table B(1) at 12.10, Table C at 12.11; and
PD 27B – Appendix C tables B(1) and C (which are intended as exact copies of the protocol tables) include the following direction:
“DO NOT include details of any offers made by the compensator or the claimant that have not been accepted”
The build of the OIC portal reflects the intention of the Civil Procedure Rule Committee (CPRC) that information on previous offers is provided to the Court, and so the Court Valuation Form is auto-populated with these details. However, the above wording in the PAP and the PD was in misalignment with this, and some users have been redacting offer information. The CPRC has approved amendments to the PAP and PD to remove this text to bring them into alignment with the portal build. This change applies with immediate effect.
There are no system changes to OIC and it will continue to generate a court pack in the same way as it has since launch. Users should not amend or redact any information on the form.