A joined up approach to data

Last week, we welcomed representatives to our Linford Wood House office from CPL (Claims Portal Limited), MedCo, HMCTS (His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service), and the MOJ (Ministry of Justice), joined by members of the OIC team, to assess the current level of data available from across these organisations. We did this to better our collective understanding how personal injury online dispute resolution systems are working in the context of the wider digital agenda, as well as a need for Government to identify the data to support and inform forthcoming evaluation exercises.
This meeting followed a similar theme to the recent feedback roundtable events, with the return of colourful sticky notes! However, this time each stage of a claim journey through the OIC portal was laid out and all attendees were invited to post notes against them regarding data flow, capture and timescales. The process required everyone to consider multiple sources of data across their areas and flag where there might be overlaps, gaps or sticking points and identify any other helpful information. For example, could there be any existing data which can be used to help us better understand what is happening in terms of mixed injury claims?
Following a successful session, the narrative provided will now be digitised, shared amongst the group and will ultimately feed into a report for the Deputy Head of Civil Justice and the Master of the Rolls as well as used to support future evaluation exercises, so it has been important that we work together to identify the best and most complete data sets possible.