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Official Injury Claim homepage

Accessibility page 

This statement applies to the domain This site is run by Official Injury Claim Limited.

Our commitment 

We are committed to making our digital claims website usable and accessible to as many people as possible.

We want everyone to be able to use this service including those with any access needs, and who prefer or require assistive or adaptive technologies.

We have designed for and tested the content with different technologies to receive and engage with online content. This means that you should be able to:

  • change the visual display of the content (such as adapting colours, contrast levels and font or zooming in up to 200% without text spilling off the screen)
  • navigate most of the website using a keyboard
  • navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader

We have also tried to make the content as clear as possible and the process as simple as possible. 

What we have done and are doing to improve our accessibility

We’ve audited our site for accessibility against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA level. We also carried out journey-based usability testing with disabled and older people.

We are aware of some ongoing accessibility limitations to the current site and have addressed a number of these since launching in May 2021 and have plans in place to fix the remaining issues this autumn. Some issues can be worked around, and where we are aware of effective approaches that can help some users, we have noted them below.

Reporting accessibility problems

We are always looking to improve the accessibility and usability of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page, please let us know by emailing us on:

All feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome. We will take it into careful consideration as we continue to improve the service.

Managing claim complexity

Making a personal insurance claim is a complex process with a lot of detail required by law and the insurer. Understanding that there is complexity that we cannot avoid, we have designed the process to be as clear and simple as possible to support you to make an independent claim.

The claim form process is quite long and requires a lot of detail. Although we have tried to make it as clear as possible, there are still some complicated questions. We know it’s not always clear exactly what to put where. We have provided some help in the Key Information bar and will continue to update this based on user feedback. We will also continue to update the questions on the form to clarify them where this is helpful.

Accessibility of the content

We know parts of the website are currently not fully accessible. We are working to reduce these limitations. 

Keyboard navigation.

You should be able to fill in the form using keyboard only navigation with text at standard size. There are a few known issues:

  • visible focus is lost on some table headings on some pages
  • if expanded to 200%, some menus can’t be accessed via the keyboard
  • some skip links don’t work properly.

Screen reader navigation

You might need help with some aspects of the form, such as:

  • it is not possible to make changes before submitting the form as the change links do not work correctly with a screen reader
  • accordions can’t be expanded when using the combination of NVDA and Firefox
  • there are some issues with tables within tables but these should not affect you if you are only making one claim. They may affect people who are making several claims on other people’s behalf.

Text zoomed to 200%  

  • some text in edit boxes doesn’t display correctly
  • some text when reviewing the claim overlaps with other text
  • it’s not possible to use all menus at 200% with keyboard only navigation
  • tables do not always work well at 200%.

Visual design

The content generally provides good colour contrast and font type but there are some residual issues:

  • the website doesn’t currently work in high contrast or dark mode
  • some form fields don’t have a clear enough border
  • some links within the text don’t contrast well with the text.

Speech input software

  • sometimes the visual label is not the same as the label you’ll need to say, such as the timeout box and when downloading documents.

Mobile orientation

  • currently you can only use the website in landscape mode on mobile.

You might find the following link useful. It has advice on changing your computer settings to make it easier for you to use: My Computer My Way.

Other issues we are addressing

We are also aware of the following issues that we are working on fixing. These may be worked around as suggested:

  • some form fields are not clearly labelled. In places there is information that appears once you have selected a response. You might need to use a combination of arrow keys and the tab button in parts of the form to get all the information
  • some error messages are not associated properly with the form field and don’t clear when the error has been corrected. You will need to look for the error messages and check before re-submitting the page
  • some links are not worded clearly
  • on some pages the home page link says “logo”
  • most pages have an H1 and good heading structure. However, there are some pages missing an H1. Some pages have empty headings or incorrect heading structure. Some form questions are marked as headings
  • some tables are not clearly marked up as tables. You should still be able to fill them in
  • some links or buttons that provide further detail don’t give their status as expanded or collapsed. You might need to try and click on them to see if they expand.
  • some elements are not grouped correctly so it’s not clear that when one is selected the other isn’t. This will mainly affect people who are making several claims on behalf of other people

A full list of guidelines that we are working towards can be found here.

Inclusive usability tips:

The following tips from our inclusive user testing might make it easier for you to complete your claim.

Key Information bar

There is a lot of useful information in the Key Information bar which is located to the right-hand side of the form fields. For screen reader users, the Key Information bar is after the Continue and Save and Exit buttons.

Map to select the location of the accident

The text box by the map has a postcode in it. You can put in the postcode if you know it, or type in a description of the accident location such as the junction of the A1 and A14. Then use the find location button to update the map.

If you’re using a screen reader or find maps difficult to use, there is a description box underneath the map. You can type in details of the accident location there.

User agreement when signing up

There is a User agreement that you need to read when signing up for the service. The checkbox isn’t available to tick until you’ve opened the User agreement. This opens in a new window on your browser, so once you’ve read it you can’t use the browser back button to go back to the form, you will need to close the new window and go back to the form. Then you can tick the checkbox and continue.


The site has a time out which is triggered if you don’t do anything for some time. You’ll have 15 minutes to say if you want to go back to the form and then you can continue as normal.

If you’re using a screen reader, the OK button on the timeout pop up is labelled as “Close this window”.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was last reviewed on 2nd August 2021.

This website was last tested on 12th July 2021. The test was carried out by Dig Inclusion Ltd (

Disability inclusive customer testing and focus groups were facilitated by Open Inclusion Ltd (
